You’d like me to join your event? Thank you! I need you to answer a few questions, so that I can figure out whether I can take part.
Starting in 2024, I am accepting a limited number of speaking engagements that require world travel. Please feel invited to ask, even though I prefer remote engagements and those that allow me to remain within Canada.
Examples: “August 18, 2021”, “Some time in early 2022”, “March-June 2022”
If you can accommodate both online and in-person participation, then please choose both.
Please either provide the address or the name of the city and country or a link to the location on a map.
Examples: “2-4 p.m., Eastern Time”, “9:00-17:00 Vienna time each day”, “We’ll work around your schedule”
Choose as many as you like. I might not be able to do them all, but we can figure something out.
Keynote address (live or pre-recorded with live questions) Conference talk (live or pre-recorded with live questions) Participate in a panel discussion Conference training workshop/Master Class Meetup group talk/Evening session (live, followed by questions and discussions, often a longer session) “The Doctor Is In” microconsulting/mentoring for a group “Lunch and Learn” session (live, followed by questions) I have something else in mind to propose to you I’m not sure, but I’m open to interesting proposals
Would you prefer a fixed fee or revenue sharing? Do you have a standard compensation policy, such as many conferences offer? Do you already have a budget in mind? Do you plan to help me find some paid work to go along with your event?
For remote sessions, there is no need to pay for travel expenses, and in some cases, I am open to participating at no cost. You can ask, but I generally prefer to be paid for work, just like anyone else.
What else do you think I need to know?
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